Crystal Intelligence, a European blockchain intelligence firm, proposes integrating its compliance and monitoring tools into the Polkadot ecosystem with the goal of enhancing security, transparency, and regulatory compliance. The proposal emphasizes the use of real-time transaction monitoring, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) to detect illicit activities across Polkadot parachains. Crystal also aims to provide one year of free access to its tools for key Polkadot participants, fostering institutional adoption and strengthening Polkadot’s reputation as a secure and regulatory-compliant ecosystem.
The proposal outlines a phased 12-18 month integration plan with key milestones, including initial compliance checks, training for Polkadot partners, and the deployment of advanced case management and visualization tools. Crystal will adapt its systems to Polkadot’s unique multi-chain architecture, ensuring real-time data synchronization across parachains. The total budget request is USD 1,375,000, which covers development, infrastructure, and ongoing support. This initiative aims to position Polkadot as a leader in blockchain security and compliance, driving adoption among institutions and reinforcing its role in decentralized governance.