Hello there,
We worked on this collection for over 8 months closely with Sage and team Tricky to bring the best out of the RMRK tech.
We built the first video rendered composable nfts which you can equip items on.
The collection name is Skylab Artemis Project and we first had a sale of Incubation tanks:
Now these Incubators finally "Break" and the NFT inside is being born, The Artemis R4VEN.
We Explain more about the rarities and different forms of them here https://app.subsocial.network/5592/sky-lab-scientists-meeting-34868.
This is the page of the R4VENs which we would like to propose being curated and verified is: https://singular.app/collections/b45943b4edbf6f5c0f-SKYLAB_ARTEMIS_R4VENS
Thank you very much
Kind regards
SkyLab Corp.