Alien Ant Pharm is a collection of unique, hand drawn Aliens created as a team by Sango and his Wife, which is the artist behind the series and its creations.
The series has built a strong, supportive community of collectors, and features gamification, redeemables, rewards for holders, perks and future series benefits, along with a few other yet to be publicly announced rewards for any who complete a starfleet and accomplish the goal of a full set of Aliens (7 different classes in total within the series, all with a different backstory, appearance, and overall purpose and special abilities -- the final class can not be purchased and must be redeemed; the redeemer has creative control over this reward classes' design and color themes) .
The collection so far has over 100 unique Aliens minted of its 1,000 total, and around 50 unique collectors at this point in the series. The series performs announced direct listings as well as running CT auctions, in hopes to give all interested collectors a chance to join the community no matter where they reside and what their preferred method of collection happens to be.