This proposal, if approved, would:
- Create a new pair of CGT and BSX tokens, with Curio Network providing 25k$ in CGT tokens (based on the current price of CGT on Coingecko) and Basilisk Network providing 25k$ in BSX tokens (based on the price of BSX on Coingecko).
- Establish a farming pool for CGT + BSX for 3 months, with the same proportions , with the year-on-year yield of 10-15%.
- Provide tips for PromoTeam for assisting the proccess of listing and promotion of pair (details here - - 2M BSX tokens from Basilisk Treasury to the address bXkrUjyLZhroePGjwo76XxGVpeHFq53VwE98eVQYjXxM6o3ki